10 years Spanish Water Dog in Poland

On 5th November 2004 I brought to Poland a female ESPINOSA “Tequila” who was the first representative of Spanish Water Dog in our country. Then the breed was quite unknown in Poland. She was born in Finland in the Mrs. Marika Fredrikson” kennel – ZORRAZO. In August 2005, I also brought a dog named “Razo” from the same kennel . Razo lived in the home of our friends Wojtek and Asia. Both dogs were characterized by a great character and a great passion for the work, but both passed away behind the rainbow bridge. “Tequila” died while being pregnant in May 2009. A “Razo” tragically died in July 2013. A few days after the death of “Tequlia” (11.06.2009), I brought for myself a female named Hug Me from the ZORRAZO kennel . I called her “Chica”. Despite two tragedies, – today, 10 years later, thanks to so many wonderful friends we are celebrating round anniversary of the presence of Spanish Water Dog in Poland!

We are celebrating the time full of successes, training and breeding, but most of all time gaining experience, observing and learning about the behavior of Spanish Water Dogs. Earlier, the breed was known to me only from the information available on the Internet, few foreign books or scanty information from encyclopedias. The most valuable experience has been and still to this day is the life in a pack of my Spanish dogs – in the countryside type. Thanks to them my family expanded and now includes many special friends and acquaintances, admirers being keen on animals. Jointly we organize annual meetings of the Spanish Family, involving more and more representatives of our breed.

With a great pleasure I share with the new owners of my pups all my acquired experience in matters of reproduction, genetics, heredity diseases and hair color. My breeding kennel is my passion, it’s taking care of health, nutrition, matching and pairing of suitable breeding females and stud dogs, nurture, care and improvement of subsequent litters. My goal is to conduct breeding Spanish Water Dogs as good as possible on the high level.

Keynote of CANIS MARINUS kennel is:

is grown because of the vigour (efficiency), nature and sociability in a family environment. We cooperate with the kennels of the greatest traditions. We offer puppies to people who provide them caring homes.

Below you will find a list of all litters of Polish kennels.

Lp. Year, month Canis Marinus Bona Espero Marinero Tesoro Parents
1. 2007, February Litter “A”, 5 puppies
♀ Aqua PL
♂ Amarillo PL
♂ Alvaro PL
♂ Aquesto FI
♂ Amigo FI
Father: Zorrazo Ufano

Mother: Zorazzo Espinosa

2. 2009, August Litter “E”, 7 puppies
wspólnie z Canis Marinus
♀ Egeria NL
♀ Eza PL
♀ Effi PL
♀ Egretta PL
♀ Ebra PL †
♂ Erin PL
♂ Espino DE
Father: CABEZA DETURCO Fraguel’s

Mother: AQUA Canis Marinus

3. 2010, November Litter “I”, 6 puppies
wspólnie z Canis Marinus
♂ Ivory PL
♂ Imbir PL
♂ Iberis PL
♀ Inga PL
♀ Ivonka DE
♀ Igrashka DE
Father: SCOTTY FM Deviene

Mother: AQUA Canis Marinus

4. 2011, March Litter “C”, 5 puppies
♂ Como PL
♂ Chepito USA
♀ Chula USA
♀ Cora AU
♀ Chica Junior AU
Father: AMARILLO Canis Marinus

Mother: CHICA Hug Me Zorrazo

5. 2012, February Litter “O”, 8 puppies
♂ Orinoko PL
♀ Onda PL
♀ Onja DE
♀ Ondraszka DE
♂ Odin DE
♂ Oczar NL
♂ Ondo NL
♂ Orlando BE
Father: MINGO I Del Rabadan

Mother: AQUA Canis Marinus

6. 2013, March Litter “D”, 7 puppies
♀ Diletta PL
♀ Dema PL
♀ Dulcia PL
♀ Daria DE
♀ Dina DE
♀ Dolce FI
♂ Dieterek FI
Father: AMARILLO Canis Marinus

Mother: CHICA Hug Me Zorrazo

7. 2014, May Litter “U”, 6 puppies
♀ Ulla Aqua PL
♀ Uvas De La Surte DE
♀ Undine DE
♂ Urson DE
♂ Uracate AU
♂ Uranos NL
Father: Rayaragua BILLABONG

Mother: AQUA Canis Marinus

8. 2014, August Litter “B”, 9 puppies
we waiting for new homes
♂ Bezan USA
♂ Bosak DE
♂ Bryt PL
♂ Bosman ??
♀ Burta GB
♀ Bora ??
♀ Barbeta PL
♀ Bryza PL
♀ Banta PL
Father: Rayaragua BILLABONG

Mother: INGA Bona Espero, Canis Marinus

9. 2014, November Litter “F”, 6 puppies
we waiting for new homes
♂ Frederico DE
♂ Felix ??
♂ Flores ??
♂ Fisherman ??
♀ Florentina DE
♀ Farfalla ??
Father: Rayaragua BILLABONG

Mother: ONDA Bona Espero

Total 17 33 9 Total 59 puppies

From 59 puppies: 21 left in our country, 14 went to Germany, 4 to Finland, 3 in the Netherlands, 4 to Austria, 3 to the United States, 1 in Belgium and 1 in the UK, and others wait for new homes.

Over the 10 breeding years our dogs participated in many pedigree dogs exhibitions, where won numerous trophies::


Champion of Poland, Litauen
Junior Chmp of Poland, Litauen

Winner: Stuttgart x 2; Ortenau; BIS; BOG 3 x 2; BOG – finalist; BOB x 17; BOS; CAC x 24; CACIB x 16; NDSwR x 15; Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH x 3; Club Winner x 2; BIS Junior 3; Junior Winner x 3; ex. 1 x 30; ex. 2; ex. 3; World Dog Show 2006 – 3rd place – bronze medal.


Champion of Poland, Germany

Leipzig, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart Winner; BOB x 6; CAC x 12; res. CAC x 2; CACIB x 9; res. CACIB; Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH x 6; Junior Winner x 4; NJwR x 4; Very promising puppy x 2; ex. 1 x 16; ex. 2 x 3.

AMARILLO Canis Marinus “MARYL”

Champion of Poland, Lithuania, Germany
Junior Champion of Poland

Winner: Bodensee, Friedrichshafen, Ortenau, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Baden-Württemberg; BOB x 15; CAC x 19; CACIB x 18; NJwR x 5; NDPwR x 2; Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH x 10; Junior Winner x 6; Very promising puppy x 2; ex. 1 x 29; ex. 2 x 3; ex. 4; bdb. 1 x 3; QUALIFYING TITLE FCI Centenary World Champion of Champion Brussels, 12. XI. 2011.